Grade / Standard
Foreign analog
Field of application
Main operating characteristics
Grease VNII NP-282
no analogues
It is for use in breathing apparatuses; threaded connections and frictional units operating in contact with various corrosive media, including gas oxygen.
Inactive to strong oxidizers, compatible with polymers and rubbers, water resistant, has good anti-score properties; it is superior to most chemically stable lubricants as to oxygen stability. Working temperatures: -45…1500С
Grease Litol-24
Shell Alvania 3, RS3; Cyprina 3, RA; Mobilux 3; BP Energrease L2 Multipurpose, LS3; Exxon Beacon 3; Castrol spheerol AP3; Agip F.1 CR MU 3; FC 3
Bearings roller and slidings of all types, hinges, gear and other mechanisms, surfaces of friction of wheel and caterpillar vehicles, industrial mechanisms, electric machines, etc.
Working temperatures: -40...+120 0С with, quickly keeps working capacity at temperature +130 °С.
Grease «Grafitnaya USsA»
Shell Barbatia 4; Mobil Graphited 3; BP Energrease C-3G, GP-2-G; Exxon Van Estan 2; Castrol Spheerol LG; Castrolease Graphited/lime; Texaco Glissando FMA-20; 904
Узлы трения скольжения тяжелонагруженных тихоходных механизмов, рессоры, подвески тракторов и машин, открытые зубчатые передачи, опоры буровых долот и т.п.
Units of a sliding friction highly loaded low-speed mechanisms, a suspension bracket of tractors and the machines, gearings, support of chisels, etc.
Working temperatures: -20...+70 °С; it is supposed to application at temperature -20 °С in springs and similar devices.
Grease №9
Nyco grease 44
It is for use in special friction units.
Frost resistant; its preservation properties, water resistance are satisfactory; has low anti-acid and colloid stability. Working temperatures: -60…800С
Grease VNII NP-235
Nyco grease 934; Aeroshell 15; Mobilgrease 24; Viscotemp 2; Supermill Asu Grease №1371
It is used in roller bearings.
It has high thermal and low colloid stability; good anti-score properties. Residual pressure: 666,5, working temperatures: -60…+2500С
Grease «SEDA»
Aeroshell 226; Mobiltemp SHC 100
Is is for roller bearings of electrical machines (electro-gas generators, starter-generators) of aircraft.
It has good lubrication property and low temperature stability, low vapor ability, satisfactory water resistance. Working temperatures: -60…+1200С
Grease AMS-1, AMS-3
Nyco grease 34 Gr.1 Nyco grease 34 Gr.3 Shell Mytilus B; BP Energrease A1
It is for friction units in contact with sea water (bearings of rudder head shaft, mechanisms of hatch hinges, etc), as a wear resistant. For mechanisms of seaplanes; ships, submarines, and other equipment contacting with sea water.
It has preservation properties; it is adhesive to metals, water resistant. Working temperatures: -15…+650С (AMS-1); 0…750С (AMS-3)
Grease VNII NP-207
Aeroshell 22; Aeroshell 22C; Mobilgrease 28; Castrol R; Castrol B; Nyco grease 54
Подшипники качения электрических машин и стартер - генераторов с частотой вращения до 10000 об/мин It is for use in roller bearings of electrical machines and starter generators operating at 10000 RPM
It is water resistant, hygroscopic; it has increased thermal acidic stability; Working temperatures: -60…+2000С
Grease VNII NP-225
Nycolube149; Molykote 50/50; Castrol Grippa 60S; Nyco Grease 67
Mobile and immobile threaded connections, highly loaded low-speed friction units.
Working temperatures: -60…+2500С (aluminum alloys ) -60…+3500С (alloyed steels) -60…+3000С (low speed friction units)
Grease VNII NP-232
Shell Compound 5.4748, 5.5488, Exxon Antiseize Compound DTD 392, Nyco grease 932, 67; Orapi HT/900 CT 8EP; Royal lubricants 49 B;
Simplification of assembly, extra earnings and greasing of bearings of sliding, hinges gear and helical gears, highly loaded low-speed units of friction, thread. Antiseizing.
Working temperatures: -50... +300°С.
Grease VNII NP-231
Royco 81 MS
It is used in closed worm-screw mechanism, low-speed roller and slider bearings, threaded connections.
It is in intermediate position between lubricants and semi-fluid pastes. Frost resistant. Working temperatures: -60…+2500С
Grease «ERA»
Nyco grease 22; Aeroshell 6B, 22, 22A; Mobilgrease BRB Zero; Exxon Beacon P 290; Cluber lubrication Isoflex alltime ML 2A; Arco EP Moly D
Slider and roller bearings, gears, joints, hinges of control systems, reduction gears of electrical mechanism of power drives of wing mechanism, friction units of aircraft fuselage.
High mechanical stability, acid resistance, good corrosion resistance, wear resistance and anti-score properties, it does not cause swell of rubber items. Working temperatures: -60…+1200С
Grease «Atlanta» (VNII NP-254)
Aeroshell 17; Mobilgrease 28, 29; Cluber lubrication Varigrease 301, Isoflex PDL-300A; Arco Helicopter Rotor grease; Arco EP Moly D; Imperial Oil Molub-Alloy №00, Molub-Alloy №188-2
Highly loaded slider bearings operating in high alternating loads. For hinges and bolt joints of aircraft of gears and screw transmissions.
Frost resistance, high anti-acid properties, mechanical and colloid stability and water resistance. Working temperatures: -60…+1500С .
Grease «Sapfir» (VNII NP-261)
Nyco grease 22, Aeroshell 22, 22C; Mobilgrease 28;
Conical roller bearings of hubs of aircraft landing gears.
High thermal stability, mechanical resistance, anti-acid properties. Working temperatures: -40…+1500С ; Up to 2000С (short time)
Grease PFMS-4S
Nyco grease 45
Molykote 50/50
Highly loaded low-speed roller and slider bearings, hinges and suspension, screw ball-threaded pair, threaded connections, power drives and fitting of aircraft, ship mechanisms, etc; as a friction resisting and preserving lubricant.
It is at the intermediate position between the lubricants and pasts as to its theological properties; it has increased anti-score properties; high thermal stability and low vapor ability. Working temperatures: -30…+3000С , up to + 4000С (short time)
Grease Ciatim-201
Nyco grease 51; Aeroshell 6,22; Witco SA; Unirex S 2;
It is used in friction units operating with low shear force at low loads; aviation equipment, radio engineering, electro-mechanical and other devices and precise mechanisms.
Satisfactory mechanical stability, low colloid stability, frost resistance and water resistance. Working temperatures: -60…+900С .
Grease Ciatim-203
Nyco grease 51;
Aeroshell 6,22
It is used in gear transmissions and worm gearing of reduction gear boxes, slider and roller bearings; various power drivers; screw pars; loaded reduction gears; mechanisms operated in open areas; friction units of motor cars.
It is superior to Ciatim-201, as far as its chemical and colloid stability, water resistance and wear resistance properties are concerned. Working temperatures: -50…+1000С
Grease Ciatim-221
Aeroshell 6, 6B, 15, 15a; Mobilgrease Brb Zero, 24, 25; Uni-Temp 500; Nyco grease 25013, 31; Retinax A, G; Alvania Ep2; Grease 3Unirex S 2, Beacon 325, P-290 Arco Arctic Minus 65; Helicopter Rotor Grease SA 824 1266
It is used in set’s bearings of aircraft, friction units and metal-rubber interfaces operating in vacuum.
It is insoluble in water, hydroscopic. In moisture absorption goes dense, has low wear resistance; chemically stable, has no effect on rubber and polymers. Working temperatures: -60…+1500С
Grease NK-50
Nyco grease 60; Aeroshell 16, 22; Mobil grease 28
Подшипники ступиц шасси летательных аппаратов. It is for use in bearings and hubs of aircraft landing gear.
Low water resistance and frost resistance. Working temperatures: -15…+1200С
Grease OKB-122-7
Nyco grease 43,10; Aeroshell 7GIA, G, 6B Alvania R1, RA; Mobilux 2; Exxon Beacon P 290, 2; Cluber lubrication Centoplex 2DL; BP Energrease LS2; Castrol Spheerol AP1 Castrolease A1
Bearings in aviation electrical machines and coordinate boring machines, precise mechanisms; electrical machines.
Good preservation properties and wear resistance, water resistance, satisfactory colloid and chemical stability. It is a versatile preservation lubricant. Working temperatures: -40…1000С