GOST 9762-76 MS-70 Grease. Technical conditions (with Changes N 1, 2, 3, 4)
STATE STANDARD OF THE USSR MS-70 GREASE Technical conditions Grease MC-70. Specifications
INFORMATION DATA 1. DEVELOPED AND SUBMITTED by the Ministry of oil refining and petrochemical industry of the USSR DEVELOPERS E. M. Nikonorov, Dr. tech. of science; V. V. Bulatnikov, Cand. science; M. B. Bakaleinikov, Cand. tech. V. G. Melnikov, Cand. Techn. S. A. Bnatov, candidate of chemical Sciences; 3. I. Antonova 2. APPROVED AND put into EFFECT by the Resolution of the state Committee of the USSR on standards of 21.01.76 N 161 3. INSTEAD OF GOST 9762-61 4. REFERENCE NORMATIVE AND TECHNICAL DOCUMENTS
6. Reissue (March 1993) with changes N 1, 2, 3, 4, approved in November 1978, December 1980, March 1985, October 1989. (IUS 12-78, IUS 12-80, IUS 6-85, IUS 1-90) CHECKED in 1985 1. TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS 1.1. Grease is manufactured by thickening oil instrumentation IMP for GOST 1805-76 barium and aluminum stearic acid Soaps with the addition of ceresine grade 80 for GOST 2488-79и polyisobutylene grades P-200, P-155 GOST 13303-86.
1.3. according to physical and chemical parameters, the MS-70 lubricant must meet the requirements and standards specified in the table.
2A. SECURITY REQUIREMENTS 2A. 1. MS-70 Lubricant-low-toxic product (hazard class 4 according to GOST 12.1.007-76). 2A. 2. the Lubricant does not irritate the skin and mucous membranes of the eyes, it does not have the ability to accumulate. 2A. 3. the Maximum permissible concentration of hydrocarbon vapors from the oil of the instrument MVP in the air of the production room is 300 mg/m. The content of hydrocarbons in the air is determined by the UG-2 device. 2A. 4. MS-70 Grease belongs to the fourth group in terms of fire hazard. When the grease ignites, all means of fire extinguishing can be used: sprayed water, foam; in case of volumetric extinguishing-carbon dioxide, the composition of LPG, the composition of 3.5 and superheated steam. 2A. 5. when working with the lubricant, individual protective equipment is used in accordance with standard industry standards approved in accordance with the established procedure. 2. ACCEPTANCE RULES 2.1. The lubricant admitted into the parties. A batch is a quantity of grease weighing up to 3.5 tons of simultaneous production, homogeneous in its quality indicators and accompanied by a single quality document containing data on GOST 1510-84. 2.2. The volume of sample at GOST 2517-85. 2.3. if unsatisfactory test results are obtained for at least one indicator, repeat tests are performed from a newly selected sample from the same sample. 2.4. the Indicator for item 11 of the table is determined only when the lubricant is exported. 3. TEST METHODS 3.1. Samples of grease taken at GOST 2517-85. For the combined sample, take 2 kg of lubricant. 3.2. to determine the appearance of the grease is applied with a spatula on a plate of 50x70 mm in size, 2-3 mm thick of colorless glass using a template (internal dimensions 35x35 mm, thickness 1 mm) and considered in passing light. 3.3. tests of protective properties are carried out on plates made of steel grades 40 or 45 (GOST 1050-88). 3.4. (Deleted, Ed. N 2). 4. PACKAGING, LABELING, TRANSPORTATION AND STORAGE 4.1. Packing, marking, transportation and storage of grease - on GOST 1510-84 with the following extension: the lubricant is Packed in cans or cans of tin with a capacity of 1 to 20 liters. 5. MANUFACTURER'S WARRANTY 5.1. the Manufacturer guarantees that the manufactured lubricant meets the requirements of this standard if the storage conditions are met. 5.2. the warranty period of storage of the lubricant is five years from the date of manufacture. Section.5. (Amended version, Ed. N 3). Section.6. (Deleted, Ed. N 4). |