Grease OKB-122-7. GOST 18179-72. Specifications (with Changes N 1, 2, 3) International standard Grease OKB-122-7 Specifications Information data
1.Developed and introduced by the Ministry of oil refining and petrochemical industry of the USSR. 2.Approved and put into effect by the resolution of the State Committee of standards of the Council of Ministers of the USSR dated 20.10.72 N 1922. 3. Entered for the first time 4. Reference regulatory and technical documents
5. The term limit was lifted under Protocol N 3-93 of the Interstate Council for standardization, metrology and certification (IUS 5-6-93). 6. Edition with Changes N 1, 2, 3 approved in November 1975, in September 1980, in March 1988 (IUS 11-75, 10-83, 7-88). This standard applies on the OKB-122-7 grease produced by thickening of the mixture of polysiloxane liquid and petroleum oil thickened with ceresin and lithium soap and intended to operate in ball-bearings and other friction units at the range of temperatures from minus 120 to plus 60 Celsius degree. Designation of the grease according to GOST 23258 – PT-LI4/12 КН4. 1. Specifications 1.1 The grease must be manufactured in accordance with the technology and recepture approved in established order and correspond the grease samples have passed tests with positive results. 1.2 According to physical and chemical indicators, the grease must comply with the requirements and standards are represented below:
(Revised version, Ed. N 1, 3).
1.3 According to the degree of impact on the body, the OKB-122-7 grease belongs to the 4th hazard class according to GOST 12.1.007. (Revised version, Ed. N 1). 1.4 Maximum permissible concentration of petroleum oil coming in the composition of the grease in the air of the production room is 300 mg/m. The contents of oil vapors in the air environment is determined by the УГ-2 device. 1.5 The grease is flammable. The flash point of the liquid base isn’t below than 175 Celsius degree. In case of ignites of the grease the following fire extinguishing means are applicable: finely dispersed water, foam, in case of the volumetric extinguishing - carbon dioxide, the composition of compressed liquid bromine ethyl, the composition 3,5 and superheated steam. 1.6 While operate with the grease must apply personal protective equipment according to the industry standards approved in the established order. 1.5-1.6 (Entered additionally, Ed. N 3). 2. Acceptance rules 2.1 The grease is taken in batches. A batch is considered to be amount of quantity of grease weighing up to 130 kg, homogeneous on the quality indicators and accompanied by single quality document. (Revised version, Ed. N 2) 2.2 The volume of samples is determined according to GOST 2517. 2.4 If unsatisfactory test results are obtained for at least one indicator, repeated tests are performed on a newly selected sample take from the same sample. The results of repeated tests are distributed to the entire batch. (Revised version, Ed. N 2) 3. Test methods 3.1 Samples of the OKB-122-7 grease are taken according to GOST 2517. The mass of the combined sample is 1,6 kg of the grease. 3.2 To determine the appearance, the grease is applied with a spatula on the glass plate size 50x70x2 mm according to GOST 111 using a template (internal dimensions 35x35, thick 2 mm) and viewed with the naked eye in passing light. 3.1, 3.2 (Revised version, Ed. N 2). 3.3 The corrosion effect on metals is carried out on the steel plates grades 40 or 50 according to GOST 1050 and on the brasses plates grades L-63 according to GOST 15527 and on the duralumin grades DL-T according to GOST 4784. (Revised version, Ed. N 3). 4. Packing, labeling, transportation and storage 5.1 Packing, labeling, transportation and storage of the grease is carried out according to GOST 1510 with the following addition: the grease is packed in aluminum tubes and banks made of white tin with a capacity of 0,1 to 0,85 kg. 5. Manufacturer’s guarantee 5.1 The manufacturer guarantees the conformity of the grease the requirements of this standard if the storage and transportation conditions are met. (Revised version, Ed. N 2). 5.2 The warranty period for storing of the OKB-122-7 grease is 5 years from the day of manufacture. 5.3 (Excluded, Ed. N 2). |