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Масла М-10Г2ЦС, М-14Г2ЦС и М-16Г2ЦС (ГОСТ 12337-84)
M-10G2TSS, M-14G2TSS and M-16G2TSS oils can be used to lubricate a number of ship mechanisms and aggregates where oils of appropriate viscosities are required (reducers, compressors, blowers, etc.). the Distinctive feature of these oils is very good moisture resistance, low emulsifiability with water and easy separation of water during separation.
they consist of mixtures of distillate and residual components produced from sulfur or low-sulfur oils, and a composition of effective additives.
They are intended for greasing the main and auxiliary tronkovy diesels of vessels of sea transport, commercial and river fleets. M-10G2TSS oil is also used in the circulation systems of crosshead diesels of a high degree of forcing, and m-16G2TSS oil is used for lubrication of cylinders of tronkovy and crosshead diesels with the help of lubricators, when the mass fraction of sulfur in the fuel used is not more than 1.5 %. M-14G2TSS oil is widely used in diesel locomotives of the CHN 26/26 type, stationary diesel generators with engines of the CHN 40/48 type, diesel reduction units with engines of the CHN 40/46 type. G2tss brand oils have been approved for use by foreign diesel manufacturers.